Third Party Registration

This is where you can register as a third party for the Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp Green Button platform, so you can request data from Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp customers.

To register, please fill out the fields below so we know who you are and how to get in contact with you. When you register we'll create an account on UtilityAPI's platform where you can login and see your customer-authorized data. All fields are required.

Already registered as a third party? You can view your current dashboard here.
Already have a UtilityAPI account? Register from your settings

Scope of Use Disclosure

When you ask a customer to authorize access to their utility data, we require that you disclose how you're going to use it. Your scope of use description below will be shown to your customers on the authorization form.

This is a short statement that will be presented to customers when authorizing data sharing with you, so that they know how you will use their data.

Helpful Tip: You don't have to come up with a perfect scope of use description now, since you can edit your scopes of use descriptions in your settings at any time.

If you have multiple scopes of use (e.g. you are requesting data from some customers for X purpose, and some customers for Y purpose), you can add those multiple scopes of use in your settings after you register, then pre-select which one you want to present to the user during authorization. This is just the default scope of use for your registration.

As part of your scope of use description, you can optionally link the user to your complete terms of service that describes how you will use their data. This link is added to the end of the scope of use description, so you still need to provide a succinct description and not just a link.

If you're a small company that doesn't have a detailed terms of service on your website for customers, no worries! Just try to be as clear as possible in your scope of use description about how you will use the customer's data.
NOTE: Customers will see what you write here as part of the authorization process, so try to make it easy for them to understand. You can also add more scopes of use after you register if you need more than one for different use cases.

Directory Listing

Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp has a public directory where you can be listed as a registered third party. You can choose to automatically be listed in this directory when your registration is approved and switched to live status. You can always change this later in your settings.

Terms and Conditions

You must agree to use the data sharing program within our terms of service, and you must agree to use UtilityAPI's platform within its terms of service.


When you submit, your registration will be set in "sandbox" mode, which means you'll only be able to request data from demo accounts for testing. We'll review your registration and then email you when we switch you to "live" mode (i.e. when you can start requesting data from real Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp customers).

Already have a UtilityAPI account? Register from your settings

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact support.